To play in real money internet poker tournaments, players are required to pay the entry fees or buying. This entry fees includes a service fee which is also known as online poker tournament fees.
In general, the tournament fee is 10% of the entry fee. For instance, a $10 tournament will basically have an entry fee of $1, and is listed as $10+$1. Thus, the real cost of the tournament is $11, $10 for the pot and $1 to the poker site.
It's quite interesting to know that the total rake percentage is usually higher for lower buy in tournaments. For instance, a few tournaments on Poker Stars or 888 Poker with a $1 buy in have a fee of $0.20, which is 20%. This is just double the rake (in percentage terms) as a $10 + $1 Sit & Go on the same poker site. The maximum poker tournament fees range from 6% to 10 % of the buy in amount regardless its size..
Always keep in mind that the rake you pay goes to the poker site not the pot. Hence, while choosing the internet poker tournaments, you need to be very careful. For example, on Poker Stars they have Sit & Go tourneys the buy-ins like $3 + $0.50, $4 + $0.50, and $5 + $0.50. The rake is the same, but the buy in increases.
It's never good for you to jump directly to $4 and $5 games since you're being charged a high tournament fee. So, next time, whenever you decide to play in an internet poker tourneys- don't forget to check the tournament rake, and find out a better deal for yourself.